


Googlebot: Googlebot is a search bot from Google that scans pages on the web and builds its searchable index.

Crawling: Googlebot crawles every page for links and futher crawles every linked page. This is how Googlebot reaches your webpage. So you need to have atleast one link from some external webpage which has laready been index. Otherwise your page will not be crawled.

Page Rank: Once a page has been crawled, a page rank is assigned on basis of

  • The content of the webpage.
  • Number of webpages from other website linking to your webpage.
  • The pagerank of other website linking to your webpage.
  • Improve Pagerank: Number of webpages linking to your webpage can be increased by using Link-Exchange. A link to your website will be placed on Link-Exchange webpage which will give a vote from Link-Exchange to your website. Thus increasing the Pagerank of your webpage on Google Search.

    More you link your website with others, better will be your pagerank. You may find links to many other linkexchange websites on our webpage.  
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